Wedding Decor Ideas to Consider

Wedding Decor Ideas to Consider

Let’s face it. Weddings are expensive. Whether you’re planning some magical wedding in Maui or just a wedding in your own hometown, the expenses can quickly add up.

Thankfully, though, there are lots of ways and places in which you can save, especially when it comes to the wedding decor.

You might think it costs a ton to make your wedding look elegant, but that’s really not the case. Even the simplest touches can be made to look surprisingly extravagant, especially if you can follow a few simple tips.

Choose Candlelight

Are you thinking of renting a chandelier? Or, maybe you’re passing up venues within your budget because they don’t have nice lighting. If you’re scrambling in this area, consider candlelight. Adding candles to tables, down the aisle, and anywhere else you want can give your wedding a cozy, romantic feel, all without breaking the bank.

Decorate Your Chairs

As you plan your wedding, you might feel pressured to rent expensive, plush chairs. And, while those may be nice, is that really where you want to spend your money? Any chairs can work for a wedding, especially if you decorate them nicely. Cheaper chairs can easily be embellished with handmade cushions, flower wreaths and garlands, and more. Don’t be afraid to opt for more affordable chairs and simply dress them up. It should save you a lot of money, and your guests aren’t likely to give it a second thought.

Embellish Your Entrees

When you think of wedding decor, you probably don’t think of food. But, what you serve at your wedding is just as important as the lights and decorations you choose to display, if not more so. After all, people tend to remember what they eat. As such, don’t be afraid to dress up more affordable dishes by adding a little garnish or an elaborate plate. Any food can look fancy with the right touches.

Remember, a great wedding doesn’t have to cost a lot, especially if you’re crafty when it comes to the decor. Get creative on your own and follow these tips, and your wedding might just look better than you ever imagined... all without spending a fortune.