Ideas for a Delicious Wedding Cake

The wedding cake is a long-held tradition, and everyone expects it to taste amazing. But, what if you want something other than bland vanilla or basic buttercream? Luckily for you, wedding cake flavors have come a long way in recent years, and it’s easy to find something different, unique, and totally delicious.

Combine Carrot with Chocolate

Carrot cake is yummy. Chocolate cake is yummy. But, what do they taste like combined? Most people describe the taste as a scrumptious blend of savory and sweet. The combo may seem a little odd, but a lot of people really love it. Give it a taste test if you can, or just be bold and ask your baker if they can whip it up.

Peanut Butter Cup

Few things go together like peanut butter and chocolate, especially when they’re combined into cute little cups. These tasty treats can also be added into (and on top of) a wedding cake that will take you back to your childhood days. Just keep in mind that you may want to have some peanut-free options for guests with allergies.

Get Inspired by Your Destination

When you’re dreaming up a wedding cake, look to your destination for inspiration. Couples getting married in Maui, for example, can serve Hawaiian wedding cake. There may also be traditional cake flavors or desserts specific to other destinations as well. Ask the locals or do some research to come up with something that complements your wedding locale.

Nix the Cake Altogether

As mentioned, cake is a tradition, but it’s not a requirement. If you’re not a huge cake fan, consider serving up something else that’s sweet and wonderful, like cupcakes, cake pops, or even an assortment of pies, cobblers, and other baked goods.

Weddings are a time to eat, drink, and be merry, and the cake (or dessert) reigns supreme above all the other edibles. As such, get creative and follow both your heart and your tastebuds. If you can do that, you and your guests are in for a real treat.